UPC CoA, 18 January 2024: no suspensive effect given to appeal from order to bear costs

04-03-2024 Print this page
IPPT20240118, UPC CoA, Meril v Edwards Lifesciences

Application to order suspensive effect to appeal of order to bear the (to be assessed) costs of the proceedings up to a maximum of € 200.000 dismissed (article 74 UPCA, Rule 223 (1) RoP). 

Admissible application

A decision under Rule 360 RoP by which the court has dismissed an action because there is no need to adjudicate on the merits and includes the decision on the costs of the proceedings is to be be regarded as a final decision within the meaning of Rule 220.1(a) RoP and not as a decision within the meaning of Rule 223.5 RoP


Application unfounded

Interest of the plaintiff regarding further costs for cost assessment procedure does not generally outweigh the interest of the successful party within the meaning of Rule 151 RoP in a quick decision on the costs of the proceedings. Suspensive effect also not justified because if there are errors in the appealed order, they are in any case not errors that led to a manifestly erroneous order.


IPPT20240118, UPC CoA, Meril v Edwards Lifesciences