Article 81

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1. Without prejudice to Article 98(3) and (5) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 and save as otherwise provided in this Regulation, in written proceedings before the Office a party may use any language of the Office.
If the language chosen is not the language of the proceedings, the party shall supply a translation into that language within one month of the date of the submission of the original document.
Where the applicant for a registered Community design is the sole party to proceedings before the Office and the language used for the filing of the application for the registered Community design is not one of the languages of the Office, the translation may also be filed in the second language indicated by the applicant in his/her application.

2. Save as otherwise provided in this Regulation, documents to be used in proceedings before the Office may be filed in any official language of the Community.
Where the language of such documents is not the language of the proceedings the Office may require that a translation be supplied, within a time limit specified by it, in that language or, at the choice of the party to the proceeding, in any language of the Office.