Rule 110

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1. The holder of an international registration designating the European Community may claim, directly before the Office, the seniority of one or more earlier registered trade marks as referred to in Article 35 of the Regulation as from the date on which the Office has, pursuant to Article 147(2) of the Regulation, published the fact that no refusal for protection of the international registration designating the European Community has been notified or if any such refusal has been withdrawn, as provided for in Article 148(2) of the Regulation.

2. Where seniority is claimed before the Office before the date referred to in paragraph 1, the seniority claim shall be deemed to have been received by the Office on the date referred to in paragraph 1.

3. An application to claim seniority pursuant to Article 148(2) of the Regulation and paragraph 1 shall contain:
(a) an indication that the seniority claim is made for an international registration under the Madrid Protocol;
(b) the registration number of the international registration;
(c) the name and address of the holder of the international registration in accordance with Rule 1(1)(b);
(d) where the holder has appointed a representative, the name and the business address of the representative in accordance with Rule 1(1)(e);
(e) an indication of the Member State or Member States in or for which the earlier mark is registered, the date from which the relevant registration was effective, the number of the relevant registration, and the goods and services for which the earlier mark is registered;
(f) where seniority is claimed for less than all the goods and services contained in the earlier registration, the indication of the goods and services in respect of which seniority is claimed;
(g) a copy of the relevant registration; certified by the competent authority as being an exact copy;
(h) where the holder of the international registration is obliged to be represented in proceedings before the Office pursuant to Article 88(2) of the Regulation, the appointment of a representative within the meaning of Article 89(1) of the Regulation.

4. If the requirements governing the claiming of seniority referred to in paragraph 3 are not fulfilled, the Office shall invite the holder of the international registration to remedy the deficiencies. If the deficiencies are not remedied within a period specified by the Office, the Office shall reject the application.

5. Where the Office has accepted the application to claim seniority, it shall inform the International Bureau accordingly by communicating
(a) the number of the international registration concerned,
(b) the name of the Member state or Member States in or for which the earlier mark is registered,
(c) the number of the relevant registration, and
(d) the date from which the relevant registration was effective.

6. The Office shall inform the Benelux Trade Mark Office or the central industrial property office of the Member State concerned of the application to claim seniority once it has been accepted by the Office.

7. The President of the Office may determine that the evidence to be provided by the holder of the international registration may consist of less than is required under paragraph 1(g), provided that the information required is available to the Office from other sources.