Article 72

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1.   Proceedings before the Office shall be interrupted:

(a) in the event of the death or legal incapacity of the applicant for, or holder of, a Community plant variety right or of the applicant for an exploitation right to be granted by the Office or of the person entitled to enjoy such exploitation right, or of the procedural representative of any of those parties; or

(b) in the event of a supervening legal impediment to such person’s continuation of proceedings before the Office, due to some action taken against his property.

2.   When the necessary particulars in respect of the identity of the person authorised to continue proceedings as party thereto or procedural representative have been entered in the relevant register, the Office shall inform such person and the other parties that the proceedings shall be resumed as from the date to be determined by the Office.

3.   The time limits in force shall begin afresh as from the day on which proceedings are resumed.

4.   The interruption of proceedings shall not affect the pursuit of the technical examination or verification of the variety concerned by an Examination Office where the relevant fees have already been paid to the Office.