Benoit Michaux

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Mr. Benoit Michaux

Lawyer (1983)



Hoyng Rokh Monegier

Avenue des Nerviens 9-31
Nerviƫrslaan, 4th Floor

1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 740 00 00



Benoit specialises in copyright, trademarks and designs, and information technology (including database protection). He has broad experience handling IP issues in the digital environment and regularly helps clients such as copyright owners, film, music and games producers, well-known artists and trademark owners defend their rights in infringement cases, both before the courts and in arbitration. Benoit is also skilled in technology transfer and biotechnology and advises clients on negotiating and drafting licence and transfer agreements.


Benoit is a deputy judge on the Brussels Court of Appeal and a CEPINA arbitrator for domain-name disputes.