Bert Kneepkens

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B. Kneepkens


Patent attorney



AOMB Intellectual Property Consultants

Vestdijk 51

5611 CA Eindhoven

Tel: (040) 243 37 15



During his study he already noticed that he had an affinity with the commercial and legal sides of technology. A career as a Patent Attorney for Bert Kneepkens was but a logical follow-up. Bert has been working with AOMB as a Dutch and European patent attorney since 2009. He is a member of Business Unit SME and specialises in electrical engineering.

His above-average eye for commerce, thinking out-of-the-box and reaching creative solutions hardly make Bert a classic Patent Attorney. He likes to act as a sparring partner for SME-entrepreneurs, giving full attention to the commercial side of inventions as well. A good Patent Attorney, according to Bert, is one who understands what clients are going through and not only at a technical patent level.

Bert’s specialisms are the technical areas of electrical engineering, electronics, software and telecommunication. Bert takes care of drawing up and submitting patent applications for his customers as well as maintaining patent rights.

He prefers to spend his leisure time with his family. But he also likes sports and watching films.