Ernest Baeten

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E. Baeten


Patent attorney



AOMB Intellectual Property Consultants

Vestdijk 51

5611 CA Eindhoven

Tel: (040) 243 37 15



As a colleague and advisor he is energetic, positive, sincere and a real team player. He is devoted to AOMB and loathes routine. He is patient with people, but impatient concerning developments. These qualities characterise Ernest Baeten as a Managing Partner of AOMB and leader of the Intermediaries Business Unit.


The best part of the profession, according to Ernest, is the contact with people. Ernest aspires to long-term relationships, based on mutual trust. If necessary, he will act as the devil’s advocate rather than pandering to the client’s opinion. Ernest only gives advice that he supports 100%. To reach solid advice as a Patent attorney, Ernest believes that there must be understanding about the relevance of intellectual property in his relation’s management. Genuine empathy thereby, is indispensable.


Ernest is also very happy about the variety of his function. He works at different locations, has various responsibilities and, as such, he ends up in all kinds of places. As leader of the Intermediaries Business Unit he is ultimately responsible for the contacts with advocacy, incubators and foreign agents. He specifically coordinates the contacts in North-America, together with his colleague René Raggers.''


In his spare time as well, Ernest is a team player. He is a fanatical hockey player, but he also likes running. While at home, he spends a lot of time in the kitchen.