Gilbert Schmitz

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G. Schmitz


Patent attorney



AOMB Intellectual Property Consultants

Vestdijk 51

5611 CA Eindhoven

Tel: +31 (0)40 243 37 15

Gilbert successfully completed the course in Electrical Engineering at the TU/e Eindhoven in 2011. During this course he primarily specialised in Video and Image Processing.

After this, Gilbert worked for about six years as a software developer within the Research & Development division at Pie Medical Imaging. As the son of an experienced patent attorney Gilbert was keen to move forward and, thanks to his father, he decided to start training for the qualification of patent attorney with AOMB.

Above all it is the diversity of the profession that appeals enormously to Gilbert. It is the right mix of technical, strategic, commercial and legal thinking that makes this field of work so interesting.

Since January, 2018 Gilbert has been working for AOMB, where he is a member of the Business Unit SME. Because he is familiar with the world of business he knows how processes work and this enables him to give suitable advice to clients. Gilbert believes that accuracy is extremely important and he is a sociable and dedicated colleague.

Besides his work, he is a volunteer fireman and in addition he is following the course leading to the qualification of Commanding Officer. Gilbert also likes to spend his leisure time with his family and enjoys running.