UPC COA, 28 March 2024: A confidentiality is indefinite

22-06-2024 Print this page
IPPT20240328, UPC CoA, Curio v 10x Genomics

Confidentiality order remains in place after the legal proceedings have ended and encompasses appeal proceedings. Any limitation of a non-disclosure obligation must be explicit (Rule 262A RoP, Article 9(1) Trade Secrets Directive)

IPPT20240328, UPC CoA, Curio v 10x Genomics



No need for a new confidentiality order if the information or evidence is already protected by a confidentiality order but is only contained in another statement or document lodged in the appeal proceedings (Rule 262A RoP).

IPPT20240620, UPC CoA, Curio v 10x Genomics