UPC CFL LD Hamburg, 18 April 2024: Alternative method of service requires an unsuccessful attempt

21-04-2024 Print this page
IPPT20240418, UPC CFI, LD Hamburg, Daedalus v Xiaomi

Service by an alternative method (Rule 275 RoP) requires at least a first attempt of service in accordance with Rules 273 and 274 RoP. 


Since Defendants 1) and 2) as well as Defendant 5) are domiciled outside the territory of the contracting member states of the UPCA, service must be effected in accordance with Rules 273 and 274 RoP. These provisions demand at least a first attempt of service in accordance with Rule 274.1 (a) (ii) and (iii) RoP. 


IPPT20240418, UPC CFI, LD Hamburg, Daedalus v Xiaomi