UPC CFI LD Munich, 8 May 2024: Confidentiality order upon request against requesting partyagainst re

11-06-2024 Print this page
IPPT20240508, UPC CFI, LD Munich, Huawei v Netgear

Order against the requesting party itself to produce license agreement under confidentiality regime (Rule 262A RoP). With reference to the statements of the Local Chamber Mannheim in the order of 30/04/2024, orders against the requesting party itself are in any case possible pursuant to Rule 103 RoP.


As this is beyond dispute between the parties in the present case - as is the requested protection of secrecy - no further comments are necessary.


(1) The provisional orders on production and protection of secrecy are confirmed. 

(2) The use of the licence agreement and the confidential information contained therein is also allowed in the separate proceedings relating to EP 3 678 321 (ACT_18917/2024 UPC_CFI_168/2024).


IPPT20240508, UPC CFI, LD Munich, Huawei v Netgear