UPC CFI CD Paris, 10 May 2024: no lack of jurisdiction because of possible violation of standstill agreement

10-05-2024 Print this page
IPPT20240510, UPC CFI, CD Paris, Roche Diabetes Care v Tandem Diabetes

Preliminary objection rejected that UPC currently lacks jurisdiction because of violation of standstill agreement requiring a party has to inform the other party of the intention to file a lawsuit 90 days before the lawsuit is filed  (Rule 19 RoP). 


Jurisdiction – the ability of a specific court to hear and issue a decision on one or more specific disputes – has to respond to objective criteria which must not vary depending on the time of the filing of a claim or on the identity of the claimant.


IPPT20240510, UPC CFI, CD Paris, Roche Diabetes Care v Tandem Diabetes