UPC COA, 17 June 2024: Further exchange of written pleadings allowed to correct facts

18-06-2024 Print this page
IPPT20240617, UPC CoA, Audi v NST

Further exchange of written pleadings in appeal proceedings allowed (Rule 36 RoP). 


The Court of Appeal considers the requests by Audi and Volkswagen to be sufficiently reasoned. They want to correct some facts submitted by NST in relation to its behavior in the market, together with written evidence. The Court of Appeal considers that Audi and Volkswagen have a sufficient interest to do so and that the written procedure is the most convenient phase to do so. 


There is no need to consult NST about this request. NST will be given the opportunity to respond to the additional statement lodged by Audi within 14 days after the day on which this order is issued.


IPPT20240617, UPC CoA, Audi v NST

IPPT20240617, UPC CoA, Volkswagen v NST