Jan Robert Naefe

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Jan Robert Naefe

Jan Robert Naefe

Patent Attorney



HGF Austria


Rudolfskai 48

5020 Salzburg




HGF Germany


Neumerkter Str. 18

81673 Munich





Jan’s practice involves the fields of materials science and basic industry (metallurgy, metal processing, ceramics, refractory, glass, building materials, plastics processing, industrial furnace design), also the technical sector in general, plus inorganic chemistry. He also has extensive dealings in opposition, nullity and litigation.


Jan also provides comprehensive skills in the field of trademark and especially design law. Prior to training as a patent attorney, he studied Material Sciences at the Technical University of Clausthal. In the course of his studies, Jan gained experience in the glass industry, the cement and construction materials industry, and the refractory industry. Today one special emphasis is laid on metallurgy. 


Jan has many years of experience in the field of industrial property protection (since 1996). He completed his training in a patent and legal attorneys’ office, in the German Patent and Trademark Office and at the German Federal Court of Patents and Trademarks. He started work in a Munich patent and trademark attorneys’ office before becoming a co-founder of a Munich patent and legal attorneys’ office in 2002.


Jan is German Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney as well as European Trade Mark and Design Attorney.