Rule 295 – Stay of proceedings

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The Court may stay proceedings:

(a) where it is seized of an action relating to a patent which is also the subject of opposition proceedings or limitation proceedings (including subsequent appeal proceedings) before the European Patent Office or a national authority where a decision in such proceedings may be expected to be given rapidly;

(b) where it is seized of an action relating to a supplementary protection certificate which is also the subject of proceedings before a national court or authority;

(c) where an appeal is brought before the Court of Appeal against a decision or order of the Court of First Instance:

(i) disposing of the substantive issues in part only;

(ii) disposing of an admissibility issue or a Preliminary objection;

(d) at the joint request of the parties;

(e) pursuant to Rule 37;

(f) pursuant to Rules 75 and 76;

(g) pursuant to Rule 118;

(h) pursuant to Rule 136;

(i) pursuant to Rule 266;

(j) pursuant to Rules 310 and 311;

(k) pursuant to Rule 346;

(l) to give effect to Union law, in particular the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 and the Lugano Convention;

(m) in any other case where the proper administration of justice so requires.


Case Law

Court of Appeal


IPPT20240528, UPC CoA, Carrier v BITZER Electronics
No stay of revocation proceedings pending EPO opposition, appeal rejected. (Article 33(10) UPCA; Rule 295(a) RoP). Oral proceedings in the opposition is 25 October 202; scheduled date for the oral hearing in the revocation proceedings before the UPC is 21 June 2024. As a general principle, the Court will not stay proceedings. The mere fact that the revocation proceedings before the UPC relate to a patent which is also the subject of opposition proceedings before the EPO is not sufficient to allow an exception to the principle that the Court will not stay proceedings. The principle of avoiding irreconcilable decisions does not require that the UPC always stay revocation proceedings pending opposition proceedings. The mere fact that the EPO has granted a request to accelerate the opposition proceedings is not sufficient to stay revocation proceedings before the UPC.


Court of First Instance


IPPT20240502, UPC CFI, CD Paris, Nokia v Mala Technologies
Preliminary objection against jurisdiction of the UPC because of ‘lis pendens’ with German revocation action rejected (Rule 19.1(a) RoP, Article 71c Brussels I, Article 83 UPCA). Lis pendens rules of Article 71c(2) Brussels I Reg recast do not apply  to a case in which the lawsuit before the national German court was brought two years before the beginning of the transitional period. No stay of UPC revocation action possible because of pending German revocation proceedings. Article 30 (1) Brussels I Reg recast is not applicable and in accordance with Art. 33 (10) UPCA and Rule 295 RoP, the UPC may only stay its proceedings in cases involving EPO opposition proceedings when a swift decision is anticipated from the EPO. No time extension for lodging Statement of defence to revocation because of preliminary objection (Rule 49.1 RoP, Rule 9.3 RoP). 


IPPT20240425, UPC CFI, CD Paris, Toyota v Neo Wireless
Request to stay the proceedings rejected (Rule 295 RoP). Neither the fact that a Preliminary Objection has been lodged nor the likelihood of success of the appeal against the rejection of the Preliminary Objection are relevant factors for deciding whether the proceedings should be stayed. No rapid decision is expected from the EPO (Article 33(10) UPCA, Rule 295(a) RoP). In the current case, the date for the EPO opposition hearings has not even been set and is still unclear when the EPO will issue a decision. Claimant’s interest to continue the proceedings outweighs Defendant’s interest to stay the proceedings: (a) Defendant’s interest to (potentially) save litigation costs does not weigh up to the legitimate interest of Claimant in pursuing this revocation action; (b) The balancing of interests also strikes in favour of plaintiff because the patent expires on 27 January 2025; (c) The fact that there is a danger of differing results between the UPCA proceedings and in the EPO proceedings does not lead to a different result.


IPPT20240108, UPC CFI, CD Paris, Carrier v BITZER Electronics
Rejected stay of revocation proceeding pending opposition proceedings before EPO (Rule 295(1)(a) RoP, Article 33 (10) UPCA). Requirement of “rapid decision” not fulfilled in the absence of a concrete expectation for a EPO decision in the near future evaluated together with the expected date of the current proceedings, that can be estimated in approximately one year since the lodging of the claim.


IPPT20231120, UPC CFI, CD Munich, Astellas v Healios

Revocation action currently not stayed because of rapid decision expected from the EPO, but continued at least until the interim conference which is to be held on 14 March 2024 (article 33(10) UPCARule 295(a) RoP)). The Court finds that the Claimant has credibly established that it has a legitimate interest in pursuing this revocation action with the aim of obtaining (at least some degree of) commercial certainty in view of the Patent. Rapid decision expected from the EPO requires that there should be a concrete expectation (i.e. a known date in time) for a decision which date should be in the near future such that it is clearly expected to be delivered before an expected decision by the UPC. Decision not limited to final decisions of the EPO.


IPPT20231113, UPC CFI, CD Paris, Meril Italy v Edwards Lifesciences

Preliminary objection concerning the competence of the Central Division because of a pending action before the Munich Local Division rejected: Meril Italiy is not the same party a Meril India or Meril Germany (article 33(4)UPCARule 20 RoP). Risk that two divisions of the Court would decide on the same issue and that competitors would have two (or more) ‘shots’ at the same patent limited because local division discretionary power to refer the counterclaim for revocation for decision to the central division and suspend or proceed with the action for infringement or with the agreement of the parties (article 33(3) UPCA). Moreover, the general tool offered by Rule 295(m) RoP may come at hand also in such a situation, pushing one of the Divisions to wait for the decision of the other Division and then decide accordingly on the validity issue.