IV. Court of Appeal

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Appeals/applications Fee
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to an infringement action [R. 15] 11,000 € + additional value-based fee according to table II
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to a counterclaim for infringement [R. 53] 11,000 € + additional value-based fee according to table II
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to a revocation action [R. 46] 20,000 €
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to a counterclaim for revocation [R. 26] fee paid in the first instance
Up to and including 3,000,000 € 20,000 €
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to an action for declaration of non-infringement [R. 70] 11,000 € + additional value-based fee according to table II
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to an action for compensation for license of right [R. 80.2] 11,000 € + additional value-based fee according to table II
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 228] as to an application to determine damages [R. 132] 3,000 € + additional valuebased fee according to table II
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (c) [R. 228] as to an application for provisional measures [Art. 62 UPCA, R. 206.5] 11,000 €
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (c) [R. 228] as to an application for orders referred to in Art. 49.5, 59, 60, 61, or 67 UPCA 3,000 €
Application for rehearing [R. 250] 2,500 €
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1 (a) and (b) [R. 97.5] as to an action against a decision of the European Patent Office [R. 88.3, 97.2] 1,000 €
Appeal pursuant to Rule 220.2 [R. 228], for which leave has been granted by the Court of First Instance [R. 220.2] or which has been allowed by the Court of Appeal [R. 220.4] 1,500 €
Request for discretionary review to the Court of Appeal [R. 220.3]. The fee does not arise if the appeal is allowed. 350 €
Appeal against cost decision pursuant to Rule 221.4 [R. 228] 3,000 €
Application for leave to appeal against cost decisions [R. 221, 228]. The fee does not arise if the appeal is allowed. 1,500 €
Application for re-establishment of rights [R. 320.2] 350 €
Application to review a case management order [R. 333.3] 300 €
Application to set aside decision by default [R. 356.2] 1,000 €