Olivier ter Brake

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O. ter Brake


European patent attorney



AOMB Intellectual Property

Vestdijk 51

5611 CA Eindhoven

Tel: (040) 243 37 15



He started out as a scientist in the Life Sciences and spent 10 years working on gene therapy in neuroscience and virology. As a researcher, he was also an inventor and this is how he came into contact with patents and was inspired to get into the profession.

Olivier started his career as an attorney at a Dutch IP office. After having worked in small and large biopharma, and a law firm on the Zuidas, he is now back in the role that suits him best.


In May 2021 he moved to AOMB where he now works as a Senior European Patent Attorney within the Life Sciences team. With a broad technical expertise in biotechnology and combined with experience in all facets of IP from different angles, he can provide clients with strategic support.


The combination of business perspective, science and (patent) law is what gives Olivier a lot of energy. He sees an obstacle as an opportunity and you can always wake him up for complicated situations!


In his spare time, Olivier likes to play tennis. He also has a modest vintage watch collection and regularly visits museums.