Walmart files patent for carts that track your heart rate


Torrent usage on the rise due to increase in exclusive content


"Image rights metadata in Google Images"


EU trade mark “NEUSCHWANSTEIN” not descriptive and not registered in bad faith

IPPT20180906, CJEU, Souvenir – Geschenke – Ehrenpreise eV v EUIPO

European Parliament votes in favour of new copyright laws


Member States are required to recognize a body collectively representing trade mark proprietors if national law allows that body to bring legal proceedings

IPPT20180807, CJEU, SNB-REACT v Deepak Mehta

Posting a presentation written by one of the school's pupils on the school website, which included a photograph that is freely accessible on the internet can be considered as an act of communication to a new public

IPPT20180807, CJEU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen v Renckhoff

CJEU on criteria for products that are "protected by a basic patent in force” in the SPC Regulation for Medicinal Products

IPPT20180725, CJEU, Teva v Gilead

Trade mark propietor is entitled to oppose debranding

IPPT20180725, CJEU, Mitsubishi v Duma

A-G CJEU: taste does not constitute a work

(Courtesy of Tobias Cohen Jehoram and Syb Terpstra,, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek)

The General Court was right to consider that EUIPO failed its obligation to state reasons by failing to refer to earlier judgements about PUMA's recognition

IPPT20180628, CJEU, EUIPO v Puma