General Court erred in law when it imposed the requirement on EUIPO to construct elements of earlier designs in assessing the novelty of a design

IPPT20170921, CJEU, Easy Sanitary Solutions and EUIPO v Nivelles

Mitsui & Co Ltd and Novagraaf establish Strategic Alliance


Article 22(4) of Council Regulation (EC) is not applicable to disputes about whether a person is entitled to be registered as a trademark holder

IPPT20171005, CJEU, Hanssen Beleggingen

CJEU on jurisdiction regarding online publications

IPPT20171017, CJEU, Bolagsupplysningen v Svensk Handel

Bundesgerichtshof annuls decisions against 3D glucose tablets marks


Bundesgerichtshof annuls decisions against 3D chocolate marks


Court of Justice EU on the essential funtion of an EU collective mark

IPPT20170920, CJEU, The Tea Board v EUIPO

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